Kansas Studios | Kansas Pitts Photography » Santa Rosa Beach Family Beach Photographer Serving 30-a, South Walton and Beaches Worldwide

The Dismukes Sisters | Senior Portraits at Eden State Gardens

With one going off the college and one not far behind Lois wanted to capture her girls together. And who could blame her? Life goes so quickly! Gosh her girls are gorgeous too!


Senior Portrait Photographer in SAnta Rosa BeachP I NDismukesGirls-3P I N


And yes, I photoshopped that HUGE mosquito out before ordering Lois’ prints but I had to leave it in there to show how big these suckers were that day! DismukesGirls-7P I NDismukesGirls-14P I NDismukesGirls-17P I NSouth Walton Senior PortraitsP I NDismukesGirls-19P I NDismukesGirls-21P I NDismukesGirls-23P I NDismukesGirls-24P I NSouth Walton Senior Portraits at Eden State Gardens P I NDismukesGirls-30P I NDismukesGirlswebP I N

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