First of all, Crystal is an amazing birth photographer in Indy (so check her out HERE) and send of all, her family rocks 😉 And how sweet was this popping up on my FB wall….”Hey miss Kansas! So I just wanted to share: you know how the guys aren’t usually as thrilled about pictures? I thought you’d like to know that Ray had a great time last week, AND shared our preview picture with a lot more people than I realized (he’s not on FB). He’s a regional manager, and as we were passing thru TN on our way home, one of the store managers there commented on what an amazing picture that was. And the girls were looking over my shoulder and asked if “miss Kansas” took the most recent beach picture you shared! They can pick out your work! 😉 Anyway, I know you’re busy (and I feel overwhelmed for you– I start getting anxiety if I’m working on 2 births at the same time), but wanted to drop a note to let you know we loved our time hanging out with you, and can’t wait to see more! (…that don’t make my man break out into “Badonkadonk” songs! Lol!) <3″ Gotta love all that!