Kortney called me last week and said her blood pressure was a bit elevated and that they were going to do some tests. On Friday they did one last test thinking if it was still elevated they would induce this week. I got the final call on Tuesday-she was packing leaving for the hospital. Yay! I met her up there and took some pictures of the details and her checking in. They started her induction slowly and she was able to sleep through the night (sortof) but I was so nervous she would have her in the middle of the night! I kept waking and checking but nothing! I took my daughter to school on Wednesday morning and headed over to check on her-she was starting to feel contractions and was at 3 cm. Throughout the day I checked in on her (I live literally 4 minutes from the birth place) and at 1:30 I went over for good-she was in pain and progressing. Finally she got her epidural and was fine for a while but then she hit her transition phase and went from 7cm to 8 cm and finally the pain was unbearable and it was time to call Dr. Jennifer Esses. Just as it was at it’s worst Kortney pushed just once and the dr. literally had to stop her…Paisley was born at 3:40 PM on March 30, 2011 and was a happy and healthy 6 lbs 7.7 oz, 19 inch long baby girl at about 37 weeks and a few days.