Kansas Studios | Kansas Pitts Photography » Santa Rosa Beach Family Beach Photographer Serving 30-a, South Walton and Beaches Worldwide

The Boswell Family | South Walton Family Beach Pictures

Yeah I am going to blog this families beach pictures too much I can tell. I loved them, seriously loved them. You can tell Heather took the time to plan outfits and she & Emma got their makeup done and everything was just right! The Florida spring weather didn’t disappoint…low humidity with a little chill in the air so we don’t sweat. There was a TON of wind but I think we did well with it, don’t you? Haven’t planned your family beach pictures in South Walton yet? All the information is HERE!


My favorite first! And I will tell you why…first because its a drop dead gorgeous beach picture and second because their kids are still kids. Let me explain…all over the news you see teenagers looking like they are in their 20’s, acting like they are in their twenties. Emma and JR are teenagers and sweet teenagers at that. They still act their age…I brought sparklers for a little in camera bokeh (see way below) but when I pulled them out they were excited so yay! I love that; they still wanted to play with sparklers and you can see they were having a blast!

Alys BeachP I N

Beaches of South WaltonP I Nfamily Beach pictures in destinP I Nfamily Beach pictures in destinP I Nnw fl beach pictures P I NBeaches of South WaltonP I Ndune allenP I NGrayton BeachP I Nsanta rosa beachP I Nsanta rosa beachP I Nsanta rosa beachP I NDestin beach picturesP I Nblue mountain beachP I Nblue mountain beachP I NsowalP I N30-aP I NRosemary BeachP I N
santa rosa beachP I Nsanta rosa beachP I N

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